Saturday, October 13, 2007

5/25/06 - punishment

May 25, 2006 - Thursday

4:26 AM - punishment

Michael C. and his friend Kyle came to town today--woohoo! We had the best intentions of going to Tae's pool party but didn't make it due to my extreme tiredness and headache.

Drinking one drink at Speakeasy on a hungry stomach after not having a drop of alcohol in a week + walking in the 87 degree heat and sun + being generally stressed + still getting over being supa-ill = WORST MIGRAINE I'VE HAD IN MONTHS AND MONTHS. Michael & Kyle left around 8:30 PM instead of staying late to party. I took a brief nap (and some meds), waklng around 10:30 to face my work and...that's right...the reality of vomit, yet again. I had the intense fear that the Evil Flu had returned, but no--'twas only the vicious Migraine's rare but potent side effect.

Now I'm only half-headached (which feels amazing compared to earlier, when I thought my head might implode) and woozy. Tomorrow I meet with Dr. Hebert to have our FINAL MEETING about the huge bibliotherapy project I've been working on for months & months. I can't believe it's over. I look forward to getting the rest of my money, though, that's for sure, especially with these medical bills (and L.A. bills!) staring me in the face. Ow.

Goodnight again, mehopes.
I'm off to watch some MTM Season 2 episodes.


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