Saturday, October 13, 2007

11//06 - my heart is cleft in twain...

November 7, 2006 - Tuesday

6:27 PM - My heart is cleft in twain...
Current mood: shocked

My snobby, grammar- and spelling-obsessed editor self just learned that "orientate" is indeed a word. This after years of silently scoffing at those who said it, at least if I wasn't a big fan of those we call "those."



you can rest assured that the majority of times that you told people it wasn't a word, they were likely at least using it wrong. it doesn't mean to "orient" but "to orient eastward." so, see? you're still better!

Posted by amysalley on November 12, 2006 - Sunday at 6:47 PM
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Sarah Beth

so when do you use orient and when orientate? i thought the director of my school was an uneducated hick cos he kept talking about us "orientating".....he's not a hick???? i don't get it!!!

Posted by Sarah Beth on November 13, 2006 - Monday at 1:47 AM

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