Friday, October 12, 2007

7/26/05 - almost famous by association?

July 26, 2005 - Tuesday

12:58 AM - almost famous by association?
Current mood: amused

Okay, so I know that it's no longer a big deal to know someone who's been on a reality show. And after living in NYC for a few years, I know how uncool it is to be excited when you see or talk to a famous person.

All the same, this is somewhat thrilling to me. I mean, truly! My friend on MSNBC! It definitely beats seeing Stanya on that horrific show Pat Croce: Moving In; it's not creepy like watching Jason on Dr. Phil; and it's a bit different than the run-in I had getting to know that other reality kid. But still. Exciting all the same...

Currently listening :
By Fleetwood Mac
Release date: 25 October, 1990

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