Saturday, October 13, 2007

8/29/06 - goin' to the chapel and she's...

August 29, 2006 - Tuesday

2:41 AM - goin' to the chapel and she's....

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This Saturday night, these girls and I will all be together in Dahlonega & then Helen, GA for the redhead's wedding. That redhead is a certain Laurie Beth Mineo, a lassie who's been one of my best friends since I was a teensy, weensie little girl. Katie "Kateums" Peterson Wells is another BFF also featured in this picture (aarrgggh! you scared of her? Don't be! She's cute)--she's the one with dark brown hair. And Yvonne Hobbs ______ (insert the new last name she gained at her own wedding just last weekend) is another one I've known since preschool.

So this weekend Laur is getting hitched. She, Katie, and I were a trio over the years, and in spite of falling in and out of touch here and there, I'd like to think we've done a pretty good job of staying in each others' lives and hearts despite lots of distance. Now we're all three back in the same state, and Laur's bitin' the bullet. I certainly knew either she or Katie would be the first to walk down the aisle (lord knows I always knew it wouldn't be me--whew!); this is just what she wants, so I'm thrilled for her.

At the same time, I do wish we could rewind for a day or three and walk home from school in 7th grade together. We'd sit at her kitchen table eating chips and salsa, and then move into the living room to watch some supa-H-O-T hot episode of 90210 (ah, how I loved Dylan McKay). Eventually we'd bust out our matching clarinets and wow each other with our talent and laugh uproariously at our ridiculous antics. Perhaps the afternoon would end with a Freddie Mercury-inspired synchronized dance?

Speaking of, I sure do hope the DJ plays "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the wedding reception, and I sure do hope we are able to show off our mad skillz for the adoring crowds....


Love from the girl who's up even though she must be a nanny at 8:30 AM....



are those hot glittery eye patches meant to cover your 3rd eye? thats the best one we got!! miss you.

Posted by K on August 29, 2006 - Tuesday at 1:22 PM
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Wow, Laurie went through with it too! I don't know how to contact her, since she has apparently not entered the dark land of MySpace. If you see her or talk to her, PLEASE pass on my congratulations to her. I hope you all had a wonderful time. :) Take care,

Barbara Mays Burns

(a former Huntley Hills girl)

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