Saturday, October 13, 2007

10/14/06 0 my 15-year-old style weekend night activity

October 14, 2006 - Saturday

11:05 PM - my 15-year-old style weekend night activity

In early high school, I used to be stuck inside on some weekend nights, not having much to do if I didn't get a chance to sleep over at Kate Rauscher's house. And if I'd had then (if we'd even had regular internet access then, kids!), I probably would have filled out a survey such as this...

(As it turns out, though, I'm just EXHAUSTED. And, like last night, I'll most likely turn in before midnight. Funny what working jobs starting early in the morning combined with lifting of heavy tables and such will do to a girl...)

Come on, you know you want to fill this out! I don't even care if you skip the ones you don't like. :)

1. Full name? Janet Evelyn Geddis
2. Were you named after anyone? First name: Aunt Janet; Middle: Grandma Geddis & Aunt Evie
3. Do you wish on stars? often
4. When did you last cry? a few tears during Grey's Anatomy, and then two days before in a middle of the night "discussion" with a friend, one that was healed shortly thereafter. Whew.
5. If you were another person would you be friends with you? hell yeah!
6. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you said? apparently I still have the skin of a 15 year old.
7. When is the next time you will make out? less than 24 hours from now, baby!
8. What's a word that rhymes with "LUCK..? stuck
9. What's your favorite planet? JANET THE! (yes, I am a cheese.)
10. Who's the 4th person on your missed calls list? Brandi Goodson, but I think Kelli McConnell was actually calling me from Lockjaw's phone...
11. What is your favorite ring on your phone? Melody ..7 or something of an equally mundane title
12. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on? The one closest to a window
13. What were you doing at midnight last night? being a sleepytime kitty
14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? "Yeehaw! I can't wait for xmas rendezvous 2006." (From Sweet Blond!!)
15. What just so happens to be the best song in the world? that question will forever remain unanswered.
16. What's a word or phrase that you say a lot? "Sweet Jesus," "Kitty," "rul," and "by that I mean.." (to name 3 of 3,000)
17. Who told you he/she loved you last? Kimmie Dau
18. Last furry thing you touched? Baby Bob
19. Favorite age you have been so far? every 26 right now. But I tend to love each and every year.
20.What is the last thing you said to someone? "Goodnight."
21. Do you love someone? approximately 1,523.
22. What's your favorite pair of pajamas like? favorite? I don't know that I have one.
23. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes, just earlier tonight the first moment I looked up at the sky--and a few minutes ago on the phone I told Jim about it, so you know it's true!
24. List five things you want to do in your lifetime:
a.have an inordinate number of jobs
b.not worry about money so often
c. find a career that holds my interest for a significant amount of time
25. What do you put on your hamburgers? Cheese, and sometimes some onion, too. To quote Jenn R., "I will NOT eat a burger without cheese."
26. Do you eat raw hot dogs? Nasty.
27. Do you have a journal? I have boxes of them. But I haven't written an entry in a year or so.
28. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I have no idea what you're talking about.
29. Would you bungee jump? I'd like to say yes, but I'm thinking no. Not yet, anyhow.
30. What is your favorite cereal? Dear lord, I love Crispix.
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope.
32. Do you think that you are strong? I sure did lift a lot of heavy tables the past two days. Check out my muscles!
33. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint cookies and cream is good.
34. Red or Pink? ROJO. Red is my favorite color on earth. Makes it hard to live in UGA land where everyone assumes it's a Dawg-related obsession.
35. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I have no inclination to share that with you.
36. Do you want everyone you know to repost this? EVERYONE I KNOW? No. That would take years to read. Please, everyone, don't. Maybe, like, 4 of you? That'd be enough.
37. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Blue jeans, charcoal grey Chucks.
38. Last thing you ate? Cheese plate at Aromas, one I split with Tamara. Yum.
39. What are you listening to right now? "Humming of the Fridge" by My Kitchen.
40. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? True Red
41. Favorite Smells? the stairs down to the cellar in my grandparents' old house at 910 Franklin Ave; Moonlight Path; honeysuckle (even though I just found out that Japanese honeysuckle is an invasive plant--did you know?)
42. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? height, smile, and (let's be cheesy but honest) the vibe
43. Favorite Drink? no one can choose just one!
44. What is your favorite sport? swimming
45. Eye Color? mine? blue. see current default photo where they look extry-kellerful.
46. Favorite Food? good sushi sure is yummy.
47. Last Movie You Watched? Ordinary People, for about the 20th time.
48. Favorite Day Of The Year? May Day (May 1st). And my birthday (Feb. 21)
49. Favorite Movie Endings? oh, the finales where there's some predictable overcoming-of-seemingly-insurmountable odds and there's an audience present and everyone begins to clap and cheer and the underdog finally has his day? Those tearjerkers get me almost every time. But they're not my favorites. I don't think I have favorites.
50. Summer or Winter? summa summa summatime. And the seasons don't need to be capitalized.
51. Hugs or Kisses? I'm into the cuddling and hugging with a hint o' smooch.
52. What books are you reading? Just one right now: Praying for Sheetrock by Melissa Fay Greene
54. What's On Your Mouse Pad? ain't got one.
55. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? Full House! didn't watch TV last night, though I did see Oprah and Bono go on a RED shopping spree.
56. Favorite Sounds? laughter, thunderstorms, favorite records, my mom bustling about while I'm taking a nap (reminds me of when I was little)
57. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Both, though my heart leans towards the latter.
58. What's the furthest you've been from home? Buenos Aires, I suppose.
59. Do you have a special talent? Well, jeepers. I'm good at lots of things.
60. Where did you take your default pic? in the bright evening sun on the drive to Atlanta
61. What makes you most happy? spending time with my friends and my family (it's true)
62. Do you ever watch MTV? not in a really long time, no
63. What's something that really annoys you? lack of compassion for other people, though I guess that goes beyond mere annoyance.
64. Nicknames: Jan, Janny, Jenny, Jynni, Rose, Rosie, J. Geddis, Geddeeezzz, Jan-Jan, Bonzi, Janet the Planet, Super Jan, Janevie, and the list goes on and on and on and on and ON.
65. Do you have any Siblings? one older sister (who just got OLDER yesterday when she turned 31!). Her name is Julianne "Rose" Geddis, and she'll be visiting Athens in a week!! Yeehaw.

Do You..
1. Write on your hand? I used to in middle & high school.
2. Believe in love? Yes.
3. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? I always start on a certain side, but I like to sleep diagonally if I have enough room.
4. Have any bad habits? Of course!

Have You...
1. Broken a bone? nope
2. Sprained stuff? probably, but nothing major
3. Had physical therapy? nope
4. Gotten stitches? nope
5. Taken painkillers? indeed (owie)
6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? snorkeling only, though I want to learn to SCUBA. I only want Brookie to teach me.
7. Been stung by a bee? Lots, but usually in a boring way: I often stepped on them at Huntley Hills Pool while waiting in line for the diving board when I was younger.
8. Thrown up at the dentist? nasty. I have never heard of this.
9. Sworn in front of your parents? No, though my mother curses like a sailor and would probably be fine with it.
10. Had detention? Once in 6th grade when Ms. McMorris gave detention to our whole class. Other than that, I was good. (See my smile twinkle when I say that?)
11. Been sent to the principal's office? Don't think so.

Who/What was the last.
1. Person you hugged? Carrie "Licky" Jedlicka at the TAILGATE!
2. Person you tackled? no recollection...
3. Thing you touched? my little baby iBook.
4. Thing you did? took a sip of the beer I've been nursing for over an hour now.

This was not as exciting as I thought it'd be.
As it turns out, I'm just trying to avoid doing the writing I *should* be doing. What a wimp. I just caught on to my own reasoning now. I am so good at tricking myself, dammit!

1 Comment - 1 Kudo


These things are fun. I've learned a lot about my li'l Geddis from this. Hell no I'm not gonna do it myself though. Cause I don't want to. But I liked reading it. So.

Posted by Joe on October 17, 2006 - Tuesday at 11:02 AM

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