Thursday, November 1, 2007

Darius Goes West

I missed the showing of Darius Goes West at Cine several weeks back (it was completely booked!), but I will probably be buying a copy of this documentary when it comes out.

Most Athenians are familiar with the story of Darius Weems, the young man with Duchenne Muscular Distrophy whose friends decided to take him on a road trip of a lifetime while filming the whole thing. I'll not go into details here, as it's more beautifully shown and described on the gorgeously created website.

This evening, I was looking at The Today Show's online video archives in the hopes of finding video of my friend Nadine Haobsh, who had an interview to promote her new book this morning. I didn't find her interview, but I did see that Logan Smalley, the director of Darius Goes West, and Darius were featured on The Today Show this morning and their video footage was there!

Here's their interview. It's really good. The woman interviewing is a little cheesy, as all morning hosts sort of have to be. But she seems genuinely moved, and that's saying something.

A young boy's road trip on wheels
A young boy's road trip on wheels

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