Friday, November 9, 2007

another jannygirl! + a book recommendation

I know that Jannygirl is not an uncommon nickname for anyone whose name starts with Jan. (Jan, Janet, Janice, Janise, Janiqua, Janith, Janicia, you name it...) But I just came across a girl who had a blog with a web address that almost matches mine. Hers is obviously you know mine if you're here. Two people with the same nickname, chronicling their lives day by day. Interesting. Or not. Somehow I feel infinitely more boring now that there's another one out there.

I finished Anne Lamott's book on writing, Bird by Bird. If you've ever written anything, or thought about writing anything, or thought maybe you could be a pretty decent writer if only you'd put your mind to it, or have been told that you had talent but were too lazy to do anything about it, I highly recommend that you read this book. It is, by far, my favorite book I've read that focuses on the writing process itself. Lamott is really funny, really personable, and completely realistic about the entire enterprise. I had hoped to quote a few excerpts here, but I already returned the book to the handy-dandy Athens Regional Library.

Most sincerely yours,
The other Jannygirl

1 comment:

erl said...

Did you read my blog before you wrote this? If you didn't, we are psychic twins.