Monday, December 15, 2008

gnocchi by your personal chef, Janny

Last evening I decided to use the recipe I'd found in a magazine called Family Fun (my mom sent it to me--some creative ideas in there, kids!). So what did I make? I made homemade gnocchi from scratch! How strange is that for me?

Let me first say that it was FUN. Secondly I'll out-dork myself and reveal to you that while I was waiting for the water to boil on the stove, I sat down and WORKED ON MY PUZZLE.

Old Italian grandma

P.S. The gnocchi was really good. Next time I'll try a homemade sauce instead of store-bought, perhaps.


Mary Carol said...

OMG...that's fantastic. And I just asked Dukie if he gave the mag to you. I guess your posting answers my question. Good for you!

Unknown said...

mmmm! i love gnocchi and that looks fantastic! can i have the recipe? looks like you're getting some serious skillz in the kitchen...

by the way, didn't one of the kids you sit for make you portray a (much reviled) character named "Ole Granny"? could "Old Italian Granny" be an off-shoot of her? just curious...

xo licky