Wednesday, September 17, 2008

kwotable kidz III

Here are a couple from the little girl I babysit:

  • E., 3, wanted me to play with her. "What should we play?" I asked. She thought for a few moments, and then her face lit up. "You be the prince, and I'll be the princess putting on lipstick!"
  • E. also loves to look through my photos on my iPod Touch (fancy fancy). A few days ago, I uploaded all my photos from Panama & Costa Rica, and she looked through them one by one. When she got to this picture of my friend Sweet, she had a sharp intake of breathy surprise and said in awe, "Look at she! Look at she! She's proud....Proud of me."

Sweet does look sort of proud in this picture, though I doubt she was thinking of a three-year-old girl in Athens, GA.

And a couple quotes from a HILARIOUS little girl at AAHS...
  • While at AAHS for storytelling last week, our resident comedienne, who's about 5 1/2, was on a roll. When Miss Rachel was leaving for the night, Miss Comedienne yelled out to her, "Bye! Bye, Miss Rachel! I'll be glad if you get everything you want! Be safe! Be safe!"
  • A few minutes later, Diane and I were asking the kids about different foods in a picture of a picnic. The same little girl wanted to name all the foods she saw, so she began a list: "I see chicken, potato chips, hot dogs, possibilities, ice cream..." Wait...what? "Possibilities"? (Said as she was pointing to a stack of tomato soup cans.)


Anonymous said...

Did you title this entry just to hurt me? Mission accomplished!


Mary Carol said...

It's funny that the little girl said that about the soup cans. But more than that, I find it disturbingly creepy that the child knows the word in that context. That in itself might indicate she may not see real possibilities in her own life. As you used to say when you were little and made a comment to me, then if I looked quizzical, you'd often say, "Just a comment..."
Also I still definitely wanna meet E.!!! (Just a comment...)

Anonymous said...


Janet said...

Ooh..."Pastabilities." Didn't know this product existed.

I'm going to stick with my original, funnier interpretation of the event, even though Anonymous is probably right on this one.